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              MEMBERS: If you LOGIN, the system autofills forms with the data from your Wild Apricot account.
      NONMEMBERS: We welcome new members like you! (Click JOIN)

TO PAY BY CHECK: Make payable to Friends of Marshall Square Park and mail to:                                                                                                                                           FMSP Treasurer, P.O. Box 3264, WEST CHESTER PA 19380

As a Subscriber, a Contact Only (Nonmember), you receive e-mail blasts containing info on events, projects, publicity, and in general. However, you are not eligible for voting on park decisions or for discounts to Member-Only events such as our Annual Progressive Dinner.

Subscription form

* Mandatory fields
Create a separate record for e-Mail2 for either the Partner or the Contact, then Bundle the two records.
*Contact First Name
Contact MI
Initial or Name (No punctuation)
*Contact Last Name
No punctuation; i.e., John Doe Sr and John Doe Jr
Partner's First Name
*How should we address you?
Without Partner: John A. Doe = [Contact First Name]+[MI]+[Last Name].
With Partner: John and Jane Doe = [Contact First Name]+"and"+[Partner's First Name]+[Contact Last Name].
Different last names: John Doe and Jane Fawn = full name+"and"+full name.
Organization Name

ADDRESS fields: Enter ALL CAPS and NO punctuation.

*House Number
PO BOX: "PO" in House Number and "BOX"+number in Street Name
*STREET (ALL CAPS, NO punctuation)
Directionals: N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
Suffixes: ALY, AVE, BLVD, CTR, CIR, CMNS (Commons), CT (Court), DR, LN, PIKE, PL, PLZ (Plaza), RD, RTE, ST.
Designators: APT, BLDG, FL, STE, UNIT, RM, DEPT.
*CITY (ALL CAPS, NO punctuation)
TWO-CHARACTER STATE CODE; e.g., PA not Pennsylvania.
*Zip Code
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